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Andrew D.
English Language Trainer | Instructional Designer | at Andrew Day English Training & Informatics

Andrew D.

English Language Trainer | Instructional Designer | at Andrew Day English Training & Informatics

I have been an English Language Trainer to adults in corporate and online learning environments for 7 years in total. I became interested in language learning after visiting Brazil for the first time in 2009. I got my professional certification to teach English while living in Italy in 2016 and focused on how to improve learning processes, retention of information, and learning content development. I've taught tens of thousands of students over my career as what I like to call an English language acquisition trainer. I'm currently studying analysis and development of systems at Descomplica while doing an internship as a Power Platform developer at ProNext in addition to teaching English as a foreign language. The best thing I have to offer you as a mentor is clarity of process and objective in formulating and executing a plan to reach your personal, professional goals.

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30 minutos

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Cursos Relacionados

Confira abaixo alguns cursos relacionados às especialidades de Andrew: